Dashboard Products
Excel Reporting
your data is extracted, we can
convert and automatically generate Excel reports that you can
download to your PC or view over the web. These excel reports
can be customized or you can use our pre-generated reports. You can
then pull the spreadsheets and link the data to your own
spreadsheets. Click below to view Excel examples.
When ready to exit press the Back button on your browser and be sure to answer NO Discard Changes!
DOC Example
Customized Daily DOC Report
Inventory Example
Report To Review Used Inventory
with Aged Inventory Totals
Expense Analysis
Detailed Breakdown of Expenses
- Customizable by Franchise.
Do you want the ability to extract data
from your DMS system? We have a way of automatically downloading
information on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. To pull the data
you want when you want. Work across numerous DMS platforms
converting data in a useable format. We can then cleanse the
data saving you mailing costs.